
Happy Feast of the Incarnation!

Happy Feast of the Incarnation!

Christmas greetings from the Desert Foundation! In a season of darkness, a star glistens. Light bursts from a makeshift crib in a small town in an occupied land on the ragtag margin of an “eternal” empire. Now we can say: The midst of the earth is a raging mirthAnd the heart of the earth a star. --G.K. Chesterton--Art by Leslie McNamara

Winter Caravans: A Fruitful Year

Winter Caravans: A Fruitful Year

Our Winter 2024 Caravans newsletter is now available here. We celebrate a fruitful 2024 and look forward to celebrating our twenty-fifth anniversary with you in 2025. Read about Tessa’s joyful experience as World Wisdom Teacher at Naropa University. Ponder Dave’s reflections on the nightmare of Gaza, with suggestions for how to help. Fortify...

Thanksgiving: A Constant State

Thanksgiving: A Constant State

When I think of gratitude, pilgrims are not my first thought. Nor even my grandmother’s deliciously unhealthy Thanksgiving dumplings. Instead, I remember the voice of our old friend Bro. David Steindl-Rast, with its melodic Austrian accent. He insists that true gratitude can become a constant state of mind. It isn’t that I’m grateful for this...

Seasons of the Soul

Seasons of the Soul

Eido Roshi and Tessa Bielecki add levity to Naropa Institute’s Buddhist-Christian dialogue by singing Tessa's parody of “Do You Love Me?” from Fiddler on the Roof.Tessa Bielecki, our Desert Foundation Executive Co-Director, is delighted to offer reflections on Buddhist-Christian dialogue and on “Seasons of the Soul” at Naropa University...

Sabeel: A Spring of Hope

Sabeel: A Spring of Hope

I am a big fan of Mark Longhurst’s “The Holy Ordinary” posts on Substack. He shares his spiritual pilgrimage with intelligence and humility. Anyone aiming to live contemplatively can benefit from his work. I was moved recently by his discovery of Sabeel, an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement...

Seed, Flame, Opening: A Soulscape Meditation

Seed, Flame, Opening: A Soulscape Meditation

In our August 2024 Fire and Light podcast, we offer a guided meditation on a “soulscape” that changed your life. If you prefer reading to listening to a meditation, we post the reflection here. Take your time as you read; feel free to stop at any point and let your memory and imagination ponder,...

Protected by Giants

Protected by Giants

Just before dawn, stand in the cool desert. Eastward, a dark butte protects you from the light that soon will strike. The oblong moon hovers, waning, in pale silver sky. Walk, and your foot crunches the gravelly earth, loud in the silence. But then it isn’t silent, is it? Before and behind you birds make music. Skinny lizard skitters ahead of you. Farther on, a soft young cottontail disappears into the rattlebush. Wend between the sticky green leaves and furry-globe pods of creosote. Meander...