In the torpor of Tucson’s summer heat, it can be hard to think. I walk or bike along the Santa Cruz River at dawn, or even shoot hoops in the park. Then I hole up and focus on survival as temperatures soar. But here are three book reflections and some thoughts that simmer in my heat-muddled...
Gaza: A Dark Night of Hope
We have not slept. Our entire city is haunted by the images, videos and stories streaming out of Gaza. Life seems heavily veiled in a haze of shared grief, fear, helplessness and even guilt as we try to understand how our tax dollars could be used by those we elected to slaughter our relatives overseas. Abdullah H. HammoudThese words from the Mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, haunt me. My ancestors came to America generations ago, so I cannot imagine what it feels like to be here, to love America,...
Martin Luther King and Chicago’s Living Memorial
In 1966, Martin Luther King, Jr. marched in Chicago in support of fair housing. As about seven hundred people joined him, the march was threatened by angry white people, one of whom threw a rock at King, hitting him in the head. He dropped to his knees, got up, and resumed marching. I heard this story from Eboo Patel, the founder of...
Good Trouble, Good Cliché, Goodbye, John Lewis
My life was relatively peaceful in winter 2020 as I savored the first months in my new Arizona home. But hermits aren’t islands, and the darkness of a pandemic, the pain of police brutality, mass shootings, racial unrest and injustice; deaths, deportations and incarcerations along...