Sand and Sky

Voice of the Desert Foundation

Creating a Tent of Meeting

The Desert Foundation

We are a small informal Circle of Friends, exploring the wisdom of the desert and the inner desert of loss, grief, and injustice, offering stories of hope in a welcoming Tent of Meeting. You do not have to experience the geographical desert. Whether you live in the Sahara or San Francisco, the Mohave or Madagascar, the Sonoran or Saigon, the desert calls you to the intimate depths of your own heart and opens you to the hearts of the whole human family, the Beloved Community.

“The spiritual life requires us to do more than read a good book or go on a restful retreat… [It is] first and foremost about commitment to a way of thinking and behaving that honors principles of inter-being and interconnectedness.”

bell hooks, All about Love: New Visions

Who We Are

Desert Wisdom

The Desert Foundation explores the wisdom of the Christian desert and both the Jewish and Muslim traditions, which also grow out of the desert. We build bridges, not walls, and help heal divisions created by the violent tribal dualism that has plagued these three “People of the Book” for centuries. We also explore the wisdom of the Sonoran Desert where the Tohono O’odham live. The O’odham say, “Saguaro is a person” and call the desert “a place of miracles.” 

“The different forms of life in the desert are intricate parts of our own being… We sing, engage in ceremony, and do the work of writing and testifying on behalf of those who do not speak with human voices.”

Lorraine Eiler, Hia-Ced O’odham Elder

The Inner Desert

We move together in a caravan across the inner desert of grief: the universal desert of unchosen loss and death, darkness and injustice, the pain that breaks and grinds the soul to pieces and carries within it the threat of despair as well as hope for justice, compassion, and transformation. “Come, come, whoever you are,” wrote Sufi poet Jalal al-Din Rumi, “Ours is not a caravan of despair.” Neither is ours. We travel in a caravan of kindness.

“Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, / you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing. / You must wake up with sorrow… / Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore.”

Naomi Shihab Nye, “Kindness”

Stories of Hope

The Desert Foundation offers you human interest stories, spiritual reflections, poetry, and podcasts, looking for signs of hope not widely reported in our mass media. We review relevant books, films, and the occasional art exhibit. We engage in interspiritual dialogue and listen to other languages, cultures, and religions, encouraging peace and understanding, healing and reconciliation.

“See no stranger… You are a part of me I do not yet know.”

Valarie Kaur, The Revolutionary Love Project.

Tent of Meeting

We create a Tent of Meeting where everyone is welcome. The descendants of Abraham and Sarah meet the descendants of Mohammed, Jesus, and the Christian mystics. The Jewish Voice for Peace and Israelis against the Destruction of Palestinian Homes meet the Muslim Peace Fellowship.  New Monastics and the Center for Creative Imagination meet the “Nones,” who call themselves “spiritual but not religious.” 

Meeting the “other” in love is not contamination but cross-fertilization, counter-cultural creative subversion, and good common sense. As Martin Luther King declared: “When I speak of love I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response. I am speaking of that force which all the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life.” 

“My heart can take on any form… a cloister for monks, Ka’ba for the circling pilgrim, the tables of the Torah, the scrolls of the Qur’an. I profess the religion of love. Wherever its caravan turns along the way, that is the belief, the faith I keep.”

Ibn ‘Arabi, Sufi Mystic


Seasons of the Soul

Seasons of the Soul

Eido Roshi and Tessa Bielecki add levity to Naropa Institute’s Buddhist-Christian dialogue by singing a parody of “Do You Love Me?” from Fiddler on the Roof.Tessa Bielecki, our Desert Foundation Executive Co-Director, is...

Sabeel: A Spring of Hope

Sabeel: A Spring of Hope

I am a big fan of Mark Longhurst’s “The Holy Ordinary” posts on Substack. He shares his spiritual pilgrimage with intelligence and humility. Anyone aiming to live contemplatively can benefit from his work. I was moved recently by his discovery of Sabeel, an...

What We Do

Founded by David Denny and Tessa Bielecki

Incorporated as Non-profit in 2005

Bedouin Activist Amal Elsana Alh’Jooj from the Negev

Fact-finding Trip to Israel-Palestine

Fostering Peace among “People of the Book”

Teaching Desert Spirituality at Colorado College

Exploring the Desert with Students

Dialogue with Imam Jamal Rahman

Tessa and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Dave’s Colorado Hermitage

Tessa’s Colorado Hermitage

Colorado Manual Labor

St. Benedict: Ora et Labora

Ora et Labora: Prayer and Work

Studying at Dar al Islam

Saguaro Hike with Mirabai Starr

Sand and Sky Web Posts

Parliament of World Religions

Haji Ibrahim Abu El Hawa, Abrahamic Reunion

Learning from Dr. Sulayman Nyang

Mailing Caravans Newsletter

Women in Black in Jerusalem

Dialogue in Abiquiu

Tessa Bielecki Legacy Project

Interspiritual Dialogue in Snowmass

Dialogue with Thomas Keating

Help us make the trek.

Your donation allows us to explore the wisdom of the desert, where we celebrate beauty and mourn in deserts of loss, grief and injustice.

Help us find and create stories of hope to share in our global Tent of Meeting.

We are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Contributions are tax-deductible. Sponsor us by clicking the “Donate” button below. Thank you!